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How Can We Help?

Selecting the right mix of investments is complex. Monitoring your investments can be even more difficult, knowing when to act and when to stick with the strategy is a skill that requires extensive knowledge and in-depth experience.

A financial planner can offer expertise and objectivity. We take the emotion out of investing, whilst making sure your financial plan encompasses your goals, values and preferences.

At Just Financial Group, we understand that you are unique. Your investment strategy will take into account your risk tolerance, the requirement for growth or income and the returns you need to achieve keeping a sharp eye on the underlying costs of your investments. 
Tax is another consideration, as the right solution for one investor could result in an unexpected tax bill for another. Your needs may be best met by an ISA, Pension, General Investment Account, Investment Bond, or a combination of approaches. Enterprise Investment Schemes and Venture Capital Trusts can also be considered where appropriate.

We can create an investment strategy for you whether you are an individual or investing on behalf of a trust, charity or company.

Lump Sum Investments

 Whether you have sold your business, received a pension lump sum or inheritance, or have simply built up your savings over time, Just Financial Group can help you develop an appropriate investment strategy.

Monthly Investments

Regular investing is a great way to build an investment portfolio over time. It helps smooth out the inevitable ups and downs of the stock market by a process known as ‘pound cost averaging.’ – when the market rises, your investment will grow, but when the market falls, your monthly contribution buys more units as prices are cheaper. We can advise on the best regular investment plan for your needs.

Existing Investments

If your existing investment plans have not been reviewed in some time or you have lost confidence in your existing financial adviser, you might benefit from our Investment Review Service. We will analyse your funds to check that they are still suitable for you and that the performance and charges are competitive. We will only recommend a change where we believe it to be in your best interests.


Glasgow: 0141 465 9999
Edinburgh: 0131 322 3999
London: 0203 319 9319
Manchester: 0161 393 9870

200 Bath Street, 2nd Floor, Glasgow G2 4HG


Just Financial Group Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FSR reference number 739938.

Registered in Scotland. Company No. SC524886. Registered Office: 200 Bath Street, 2nd Floor, Glasgow G2 4HG.

The value of investments and income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to the future. The levels, bases and reliefs from taxation are subject to the individual circumstances of the investor and may be subject to future change.

Advice on Taxation and Trusts is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. All information on this website is intended for general information purposes only and should not be considered as a personal recommendation. No decisions should be taken based solely on the content of the website and individual advice should be sought first.

© 2024